We strongly believe in the power of prayer to heal and to change lives. Our prayer time is an important part of every worship service, as we share joys and concerns together.
We offer two prayer chains that are very active in interceding in prayer for others’ needs. You may give as little or as much information regarding a situation as you feel comfortable. All of our prayer warriors keep requests confidential. To put a request on the telephone prayer chain or the email prayer chain, contact the church office at (352) 245-2100.
We also have a prayer trail out in the woods behind the sanctuary. The entrance and exit to the trail are marked with large wooden crosses. This trail is open 24/7 for people to walk and meditate and pray.
Finally we began a new prayer ministry in November of 2012, called
Prayer Warriors. This team, led by Luanna Harris, meets every Thursday at 10am in the choir room. Together they pray for the staff, leadership, programs and missions of the church as well as personal concerns of our members. This is an open group that welcomes anyone wishes to join in prayer.
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